HD Restreams of Big Brother Naija

BBNRestream is your place to watch Big Brother Naija 24/7 Live in HD for free and meet other viewers of the show.

All rights to any audiovisual content used or aired live here go to the responsible copyright holders.

We do not claim these or other rights except for the hardware and software solutions working in the background to process and deliver the content to our pages.

We track technical details (such as the IP address and operating system) of all visitors to improve our quality of service.

Revision: 050921

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should i do when the stream freezes ?

A: Contact BBNRestream via social media or chat.

Q: Why are you not streaming this on Twitch, Youtube, etc. ?

A: Their copyright and DMCA rules dont allow our restreams.

Q: What server should i choose ?

A: The one nearest to your geographical location.

Q: There are many livestreams on YouTube. Why should i choose this site ?

A: On our site, you get a continuous and geolocated 24/7 HD broadcast.

Thats far more reliable than YouTube livestreams, which are regularly taken down by the YouTube Copyright Team.

Rule breakers get high penalties like strikes and account suspension.

Also, the video quality on many streams is incredibly poor and some are even filmed directly off a TV.

Forget all that and stay with us, you will be happy !

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